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Estamos viviendo en el tiempo del juicio y la bendición a finales del siglo VI. Los últimos días del siglo pasado. Muchas profecías predichas hace mucho tiempo ya se han cumplido, muchas aún no se han cumplido.
Los juicios comenzarán con la iglesia. 1 Pedro 4:17 Porque ahora es tiempo de que el juicio comience en la casa de Dios;
Nuestro mundo está cambiando rápidamente, puedes verlo a tu alrededor. Se predice, y las razones para ello se mencionan en la palabra de Dios. Es el tiempo justo antes del regreso del Señor Jesús. Hemos llegado en el tiempo descrito en Lucas 21:25 Apocalipsis 5-11 y Jeremías e Isaías y otros profetas. Estamos al borde de la Tercera Guerra Mundial y de la guerra porIsrael, predice en la Biblia. Mucho tumulto en toda la tierra y el surgimiento de laReino de Jjzerendel Anticristo. Pero también un tiempo de bendición,La lluvia tardíacomo también se predice en los librosJoelyAcciones.
. Los juicios han sido profetizados y también anunciados. Cuando se anuncian, se van a llevar a cabo y todavía hay tiempo para enderezar los caminos con Dios o tiempo para el arrepentimiento. Esa es también la gracia de Dios.
El mundo es juzgado porque el príncipe de este mundo es juzgado, Juan 16:11
"Arrepentíos, porque el Reino de los Cielos se ha acercado"
Mateo 4:17
La segunda parte sobre el perdón se refiere a la justificación y redención de las víctimas de abuso.
War is coming over the world, judgment for Babylon and the costal countries.

The Prophecy of the Coming World War
This prophecy is found in the Old Testament. And it is referred to in the New Testament. For the church of Christ dwells in Babylon, 1 Peter 5:13.
In the yet to be fulfilled prophecies from the Old Testament and the New Testament, for example the book of Revelation, it appears that we will face many more wars.
"The Fall of Babylon and the Coastal Lands" on the download page. you can find the article.
God indicates here how and why He is going to judge the world, Babylon will fall. God has ordained it that way, and it will happen that way. It is God himself who calls the armies from the north. Jeremiah 1:14 We also find this in Revelation 18. 17:17 For God has put it in their hearts to carry out His plan and to do it with one accord.
The prophecies are also for now.
Remember the times of old, of old times, when I am God and no one else, I am God and there is no like me. Who from the beginning proclaims what the end will be, from time immemorial the things that have not yet taken place. Isaiah 46:10.
God is fighting against the kingdom of darkness. Against iniquity. And to redeem us. That is why there is a call in many Scriptures to get out of Babylon.
Isaiah 48:20 Depart from Babylon, flee from the Chaldeans, proclaim with a loud song of joy, let it be heard, carry it out to the ends of the earth. Isaiah 48:21-22
It is no small event to pass judgment on Babylon and the coastal nations, Europe, America, China and elsewhere, one of very, very great impact. Called Babylon by God because it is a reference to ancient times where the spiritual conditions were the same as ours. In Jeremiah 50 and Revelation 18:2. we read that Babylon has been taken or fallen. Now this prophecy can also be read in Revelation 17 and 18. Babylon is often mistakenly referred to as the Church of Rome. This church is under the judgment of God. You can read the prophecy about this in the article The Announcement of Judgment. Of Babylon the great city we find nothing later in time. Revelation 18:21.
*City is a reference to a country or continent. The spiritual meaning is that inhabitants of Babylon seek their salvation and entertainment from other gods and idols. And have put God away from their daily existence. We now see God's response to that happening to us. We live in the time of the labor pains, contractions usually come in waves and become stronger and more intense. Revelation 12:2. The church of Christ is born.
It will overwhelm people because they are not receptive to God's word and warnings. 1. Thessalonians 5:3. Isaiah 47:9. Revelation 18.8.
Many Christians are not ready for this time, as we can read in Revelation 2, the letters of the Lord Jesus to the seven churches.